Foi a primeira vez que participei num Dia do Orgulho Gay e devo dizer que gostei bastante...
Mais do que uma parada com carros alegóricos e gente vestida das formas mais diversas, foi uma parada cheia de diversidade e mensagens importantes e, acima de tudo, gente feliz!
Depois da parada, a festa continuou no Soho. Todos os bares na zona tinham a música projectada para o exterior e todas as ruas estavam a abarrotar de gente feliz a dançar!!! E nós a eles nos juntámos! :)
A única coisa que faltou, foram pessoas que teriam aproveitado mais este dia que nós, mas que infelizmente já foram voltando a casa... :(
Tirei para cima de 500 fotos digitais e ainda usei as minhas lomo...Farei mais 2 posts com as fotos seleccionadas da digital e quando as tiver talvez acrescente algumas das lomo... :)
It was the first time I was in a Gay Pride Day and I must say I really liked it...
More than a parade with fancy cars and people dressed in the most diverse ways, it was a parade full of diversity and important messages and, above all, happy people!
After the parade the party continued at Soho. All the pubs and clubs in the area had their music outside and the streets were full of happy people dancing!!! And we joined them! :)
The only thing that was missing were some people who would have taken more advantage of this day than us, but that unfortunately have gone back home already... :(
I took more than 500 digital pics and I also used my lomo cameras...I will do 2 more posts with the pics I selected from the digital and, when I have them, I may add some from the lomos... :)
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